Ivanov A.V.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2022.2.25
UDC 37.015.3
Ivanov A.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail: aivanov7@rambler.ru
1Moscow City Pedagogical University
Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of the relationship between self-restrictions and the development of volitional qualities, the influence on the development of self-consciousness in the process of development and self-development of the student’s personality. The article reveals the concepts of ” will “and” volitional qualities”, the directions of their development, presents the scientific characteristics of the concept of “self-restraint”, its essence and content in philosophy, psychology and pedagogy, reveals the stages of self-restraint, defines the impulses that arise as a result of the appearance of corresponding needs and motives, depending on the stimuli of development, which are factors (determinants) that determine the emergence of motives, as well as the term “de-delimiting” as the elimination and shift of the boundaries of human development. The types of restrictions based on external or internal incentives are defined. The essence of self-restrictions, which have opposite meanings in the process of personal development, and possible ways of avoiding the negative results of self-restrictions are considered. The article briefly describes the experiment and presents the results of testing to identify the role of self-restraint in the development of volitional qualities, pedagogical support for motivating students to self-restraint, and methods for developing volitional qualities in the context of self-restraint. The materials of the article are of practical value for researchers in the field of educational psychology who study the problems of education, students, and school teachers.
Keywords: will, volitional qualities, self-restraint, stages, impulses, motives, self-restraint, decrepitation, methods of developing volitional qualities.
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For citation:
Ivanov A.V. The role of self-limitation in the development of human will qualities (by the example of student youth). CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.294-306. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2022.2.25