ISSN 2409-7616

Degtyareva E.A.



UDC 378.126

Degtyareva E.A.1 (Tikhoretsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Kuban State University

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of building pedagogical support for the innovative activities of teachers at the university. The relevance of this study is due, firstly, to the needs of society, the economic sphere, production and the higher education system in teachers who understand the scientific and methodological specifics of the implementation of the competency-based approach in the process of teaching students at the university, who are ready and able to use educational innovations in the specific conditions of the university educational environment. aimed at their own professional and personal development; secondly, the need to search for scientific and methodological approaches to building systematic work on pedagogical support for the innovative activities of university teachers; thirdly, the need to identify a set of organizational, methodological and socio-pedagogical areas of activity of the university in order to enhance and increase the effectiveness of the innovative activity of teachers, which requires the search for conditions and means that contribute to the innovative activity of teachers, the development of a methodology for diagnosing the components readiness for innovation, monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process of the university in the context of analyzing the innovative activities of faculties, departments and teachers, as well as pedagogical support technologies that make it possible to form the readiness of university teachers to respond flexibly to innovative trends. The purpose of this article is the scientific substantiation and development of pedagogical support for the innovative activities of university teachers; the object is innovative educational processes at the university; the subject is the main directions and content-structural characteristics of pedagogical support for the innovative activities of university teachers. The theoretical and methodological basis was made up of works devoted to the study of issues related to problems in the educational activities of university teachers; devoted to innovative processes in educational practice, the features of building the process of personal and professional development and self-development of the teacher, the theory and practice of organizing pedagogical support for scientific and pedagogical personnel. The novelty of the results obtained lies in the fact that, based on the analysis of modern requirements for educational innovations, conceptual foundations have been developed for building pedagogical support for the innovative activities of university teachers; the content, structure, methodological content of the pedagogical support of the innovative activities of university teachers are presented; the characteristics of the criteria-evaluating apparatus for monitoring the effectiveness of pedagogical support for the innovative activities of university teachers are given.

Keywords: innovative educational activity, pedagogical support, organizational-managerial and scientific-methodical directions, permanent and mobile groups of a temporary research team, motivational criterion of a teacher’s readiness.


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For citation:

Degtyareva E.A. Pedagogical support of innovative activities of university teachers. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.258-267. DOI: