ISSN 2409-7616

Dyachkova T.V.



UDC 374.0

Dyachkova T.V.1 (Tula, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Teaching Staff Skills Development and Retraining Institute

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of finding optimal socio-pedagogical conditions for the development of a teacher’s personal and professional position in the regional system of additional education for children. In the conditions of risks and challenges of modernity, additional education of children faces the need for transformation in accordance with state, social and personal needs. The development of the modern sphere of additional education is impossible without the development of its leading subject – the teacher of additional education of children. Based on socio-cultural and contextual approaches, the article identifies the “search circles” of socio-pedagogical conditions for the development of a teacher’s personal and professional position in the regional system of additional education for children. The author adheres to the position that the personal and professional position of a teacher of additional education for children is not a static phenomenon acquired with the beginning of professional activity in an educational organization, it is a prerequisite for activity, manifests itself in it, periods of formation, self-acceptance (“I am a concept”), actualization in this activity, slow and sufficient sustainable development under the influence of changing conditions, personal value-semantic orientations, professional changes and needs of the teacher of additional education of children. The results of the search for the optimal set of socio-pedagogical conditions presented in the article confirm the effectiveness of the process of regionalization of additional education aimed at solving the problem of developing the personal and professional position of a modern teacher of additional education for children as an integral characteristic of his professionalism.

Keywords: teacher of additional education of children, personal and professional position, regionalization, socio-pedagogical conditions.


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For citation:

Dyachkova T.V. Search for optimal socio-pedagogical conditions for the development of a personal and professional position of a teacher of additional education for children. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.220-231. DOI: