ISSN 2409-7616

Pronina N.A., Romanova E.V.



UDC 373.66

Pronina N.A.1 (Tula, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Romanova E.V.1 (Tula, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy

Abstract. Socio-economic changes in our country entail the transformation of the system of higher professional education. A modern teacher should be competitive in the labor market, possess many practice-oriented skills and be a competent specialist, a master of his craft, loving not only his subject and profession, but also children. The school is an institution of primary socialization and has a tremendous impact on the formation of a child’s personality. We consider the problem of saving physical and mental health from an early age to be very urgent. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the formation of health-saving competence of future teachers in the process of their training. The purpose of this study is to study the features of the formation of health-saving competence of future teachers, to develop a model for the formation of health-saving competence of a future teacher. Research objectives: to analyze the degree of study of the problem of the formation of health-saving competence of future teachers in the psychological and pedagogical literature; to develop a model for the formation of health-saving competence of a future teacher; to describe the features of the formation of health-saving competence of a future teacher in practice (using the example of L. N. Tolstoy TPSU). The following research methods were used in the work: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, modeling, testing, experiment. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors propose and substantiate the components of health-saving competence and their implementation in the process of assimilation by future teachers of psychological and pedagogical disciplines. The model proposed in the article for the formation of health-saving competence of a future teacher can be applied in the field of training a subject teacher in any educational field. The proposed program of health-saving competence of future teachers can be used by other pedagogical universities. The article may be of interest to teachers, university teachers, educators, educational psychologists.

Keywords: health, healthy lifestyle, health-saving competence, future teacher, university.


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For citation:

Pronina N.A., Romanova E.V. Formation of health-saving competence of future teachers in the process of their education at the university. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.147-161. DOI: