ISSN 2409-7616

Pavlova I.V.



UDC 378.147

Pavlova I.V.1 (Kazan, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan

Abstract. The importance of the formation of scientific thinking in schoolchildren, including in chemistry lessons, is beyond doubt. It is necessary to develop methodological approaches that would activate the thinking of students and be characterized by a high degree of interactivity, motivation and emotional perception of the educational process. The use of such approaches will also make it possible to develop the cognitive and creative activities of students, improve the effectiveness of the educational process, form and evaluate emerging competencies. That is why active forms of education should be introduced into the education of schoolchildren for the most complete inclusion of them in the educational process and the activation of the process of forming high-quality knowledge. The cognitive process of integrating verbal and non-verbal information is part of the learning process in general and is especially relevant for any of the natural sciences. In chemistry, it forms the core of the metacognitive processes needed to understand a concept and apply it to any form of problem solving. Thus, it affects the study and teaching of both theoretical and experimental chemistry. In this article, the author made an attempt to scientific analysis and critical reflection on the methodological approaches to the development of scientific thinking of schoolchildren as the basis of natural science literacy in the study of chemistry. It has been shown that scientific thinking skills in schoolchildren are effectively formed when they actively participate in research activities.

Keywords: development of scientific thinking; development of critical thinking; natural science literacy; teaching chemistry.


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For citation:

Pavlova I.V. Methodological approaches to the development of scientific thinking as a basis of natural science literacy in the study of chemistry. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.75-86. DOI: