ISSN 2409-7616

Bazilevich S.V., Lipkina E.D., Malygina M.V.



UDC 338.24:001

Bazilevich S.V.1 (Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Lipkina E.D.1 (Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Malygina M.V.2 (Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Omsk State University of Railways

2Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports

Abstract.  The article deals with the problems of ethnic tourism. The authors share the position on the uniqueness of the recreational potential of the Republic of Crimea, which ensures the need to analyze the possibilities of ethnic tourism in the territory and determine the prospective development of this direction. The article presents: the theoretical foundations of ethnic tourism, various definitions of ethnic tourism in domestic research are given. The social functions of ethnic tourism are highlighted, the impact of both external and internal factors on the formation of Crimean ethnic groups and ethnic groups is indicated, objects of ethnic significance are considered in accordance with the list of cultural heritage objects. The authors analyzed the proposals of travel companies in Yalta and Simferopol for ethnic tours. An analysis of the proposals of travel companies in Yalta and Simferopol revealed that the target audience for ethnocultural tourism in Crimea, on the one hand, is the population of the peninsula, and on the other hand, visitors from near and far abroad. The authors found that the programs of the proposed tours contain objects of ethnic tourism, however, an integrated approach has not been implemented to solve the problem of organizing tours of this type. The authors note that it is necessary and important to take into account the category of a group of tourists (citizens of Russia, foreign citizens, gender, age, individual characteristics, seasonal characteristics) when forming ethnic tours. The authors believe that the richness of ethnic history makes it possible to organize tours in the Republic of Crimea dedicated to studying the heritage of the multinational region. Therefore, the authors believe that the number of tourists will only increase every year, which will make travel especially attractive for those who want to experience the life of the hinterland or plunge into some historical era, finding themselves in a carefully preserved historical place.

Keywords:  ethnic tourism, ethnic culture, the Republic of Crimea, recreational potential, social functions of ethnic tourism, national composition of the Republic of Crimea, proposals from travel companies.


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For citation:

Bazilevich S.V., Lipkina E.D., Malygina M.V. Organizational aspects and directions of development of ethnic tourism in the Republic of Crimea. CITISE, 2022, no. 1, pp.451-466. DOI: