ISSN 2409-7616

Makarova O.V., Gasparyan S.V., Khodova D.A.



UDC 338.12

Makarova O.V.1 (Ryazan, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Gasparyan S.V.1 (Ryazan, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Khodova D.A.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Academies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

2Department The Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Moscow region

Abstract. The article examines the basic norms of food provision for convicts, suspects and accused held in institutions of the penal system. The article considers the legislative framework regulating the organization of catering for a special agent, broken down by categories of those who are satisfied. The essence of the norms of nutrition of convicts for the purpose of rational organization of procurement activities in the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is revealed. The monthly actual costs that are formed in the process of food planning are determined. A study was conducted of one of the large territorial bodies of the penitentiary system engaged in the purchase of food products in order to meet their own needs. The nomenclature and volumes of purchased food products in a typical Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia are analyzed. A wide list of food products brought to the special ingredient for a certain period is highlighted. The study of nutrition regimes, the expediency of food distribution by meals in accordance with the norms of bringing. The categories of cereals used for cooking meals when catering convicts, suspects and accused are listed. The groups of cereals purchased by the territorial authority and included in the nutrition standards of the special ingredient with the reduction of useful commodity characteristics for each grain were identified. The importance of rational purchase of cereals according to the catering of convicts, suspects and accused is determined. The organizational aspects of procurement activities for the purchase of cereals for the needs of the UIS are considered. The nomenclature of purchased cereals has been formed with consideration of the price range for each group in the analyzed territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The pricing policy that develops in a typical territorial authority when purchasing cereals on the basis of a single unit of trade “Birch” is analyzed. Organizational measures aimed at saving money allocated for the food of convicts, suspects and accused from the federal budget are planned. In addition, the practical orientation of the analyzed material will allow to improve the processes of procurement activities in the line of food supply, which in turn will lead to a variety of diets of the special agent in accordance with the standards of delivery.

Keywords: food supply, nutrition standards, purchasing activity, cereal group, price range, nomenclature.


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For citation:

Makarova O.V., Gasparyan S.V., Khodova D.A. The impact of nutrition standards on the procurement of food in institutions of the FSIN system. CITISE, 2022, no. 1, pp.440-450. DOI: