ISSN 2409-7616

Kozlovskaya D.I., Kozlovskaya S.N.



UDC 37.013

Kozlovskaya D.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – Email:, Kozlovskaya S.N.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Russian State Social University

Abstract. Self-actualization and self-efficacy can be considered as important personal resources of a future professional. The process of raising awareness and developing self-actualization and self-efficacy of students is carried out at the university level. The article presents the main approaches to self-actualization and self-efficacy. It should be noted that the article notes common characteristics: aspiration to the future, activity in the realization of one’s own capabilities, a positive vector of personality orientation, which characterize both processes. The authors believe that the process of self-actualization is continuous and is associated with maintaining and increasing self-esteem through reflection and rethinking experience. This allows a person to develop and change in the process of studying at the university. The ability to realize yourself in the world is the beginning of self-actualization, which allows you to develop self-confidence. Interacting with other people, the future specialist realizes his own capabilities. Self-efficacy is an important motive for achieving the goal, belief in success based on the analysis of past experience. Self-efficacy is applicable to all areas of human life, including actions, communication and relationships. Unlike efficiency, the concept of self-efficacy refers to the belief that a person is capable of acting effectively. The article presents the results of a practical study of the features of self-actualization that contribute to the development of self-efficacy in the activities and communication of students at the university. On the other hand, the communicative-subject field of self-efficacy creates conditions for self-actualization of personality, the development of a positive orientation of students’ basic beliefs. The authors believe that in the process of studying at the university, all the parameters of self-actualization and self-efficacy of the student develop.

Keywords: self-actualization, self-efficacy, personal resources, future specialist, personality orientation, subjective control, competence.


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For citation:

Kozlovskaya D.I., Kozlovskaya S.N. Features of self-actualization and self-efficacy of students at the university. CITISE, 2022, no. 1, pp.378-394. DOI: