Pleshivtsev A.Yu.
UDC 373
Pleshivtsev A.Yu.1 (Perm, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation
Abstract. The article provides a phenomenological analysis of the concept of “sociality” in the aspect of the humanities in general and pedagogical science in particular. Attention is drawn to the fact that, being a part of the concept of “social education”, the phenomenon itself has an extremely unclear definition. Being, on the one hand, in general use, on the other, the concept of “sociality” does not have a clear definition. The classification of sociality as a phenomenon in various humanities also differs. In pedagogical science, two types of sociality are distinguished: generic and socio-social. In sociology, this phenomenon is divided into episodic and true. The definition of the concept of “sociality” was also different at different stages of the development of society: from traditional to informational. There are four main directions of the humanities in the study of the phenomenon of sociality: pedagogy, psychology, sociology and biology. The main characteristics in which sociality finds its expression are listed.
Keywords: sociality, social education, social institutions, social interaction, social development, analysis, subjectivity, individuality.
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For citation:
Pleshivtsev A.Yu. Phenomenological analysis of the concept of “sociality” in the aspect of pedagogical science. CITISE, 2022, no. 1, pp.207-213. DOI: