Biziaeva N.V.
UDC 372.8
Biziaeva N.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Moscow City Pedagogical University
Abstract. Technological changes taking place in modern society are transforming the material basis of the modern world. The indicators of the competitiveness of the state are “knowledge”, which in modern society acts as capital. One of the high-tech trends that allow you to recode information into knowledge is Big Data. By its very nature, Big Data is data that needs to be sorted. In everyday life, students use complex analytical and synthetic activities to transform them into knowledge, or Big Data remains viewed data. For modern schoolchildren, such Big Data are TikTok, VKontakte, and Instagram applications. In these applications, Big Data is presented in the form of videos, photos, memes, selfies, TV shows, video games, computer graphics, films, commercial breaks, and search queries. All these data are facts that need to be “cleaned” and converted into knowledge. And then these applications will become learning assistants, and schoolchildren, in turn, will act as researchers and consultants of this data. There is a contradiction between the need to develop skills to operate with Big Data and the lack of teaching methods and technologies for working with Big Data at the school level. This contradiction explains the relevance of the topic chosen. So, at a meeting of the Council for Science and Education, V. V. Putin expressed the opinion that it is necessary to develop “skills in working with Big Data, interdisciplinary research in the field of the humanities, of course, using mathematical modeling methods.”. We see a prospect for the formation of skills in working with Big Data in the use of educational and research activities with its methodological apparatus and the ability to form research skills.
Keywords: educational and research activities, research skills, Big Data, education, school.
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For citation:
Biziaeva N.V. Integrity of educational – research activities and Big Data in formation of mathematical literacy. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.557-564. DOI: