Shimanovskaya Y.V., Sarychev A.S., Goldzin E.
UDC 37.013.77
Shimanovskaya Y.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Sarychev A.S.2 (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Goldzin E.1 (Israel) – E-mail:
1Russian State Social University
2Northern State Medical University
Abstract. The article discusses the importance and necessity of studying the personal characteristics of women who have experienced domestic violence in order to increase the effectiveness of legal and socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical assistance. It was revealed that among young and middle-aged women who have been subjected to domestic violence, personality types of psych asthenic, anxious and suspicious character prevail, with a predominance of negative attitudes towards themselves, towards the past, and uncertainty about the future. The analysis of the responses of young women who have experienced domestic violence suggests that less than one third of the respondents were able to build friendships in their family, the rest are still afraid of close relationships, do not trust others enough to share their innermost with them. A similar picture is observed in middle-aged women, who are more focused on maintaining relationships within the current family. An analysis of the responses of women of both age groups who have experienced domestic violence, relative to the time perspective, indicates the predominance of a negative attitude towards the past with a pronounced uncertainty about the future and the attainability of the set goals. Thus, the results of the study make it possible to predict the direction and quality of the activities and behavior of this category of women, to develop recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance to young and middle-aged women who have experienced domestic violence.
Keywords: individual psychological personality traits, domestic violence against women, young women, middle-aged women.
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For citation:
Shimanovskaya Y.V., Sarychev A.S., Goldzin E. Individual psychological features young and middle-aged women who are exposed to domestic violence: experience of social-psychological-pedagogical research. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.431-440. DOI: