Rudnev I.Yu., Ignatiev S.E.
UDC 378
Rudnev I.Yu.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Ignatiev S.E.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Moscow Pedagogical State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the use of EOR and DOT in higher art and pedagogical education. A distinctive feature of our time is the global informatization of all spheres of society and a person in it, including the education system, as the most important part of the social sphere. This applies to all subject areas, levels and components of the educational system, and, therefore, to higher art and pedagogical education. This circumstance does not remove the traditional goals and objectives of this educational sphere, but gives it new means, methods, tools, forms and processes. The training of future teachers-artists in these conditions is not only the formation of students’ universal competencies for future professional activities, but, first of all, the education and development of the foundations of spirituality, goodness, morality, aesthetic taste and knowledge of methodology, theory, methodology and technology of subject areas , including through the continuity of traditions, culture, art with the help of traditional and new teaching aids – distance learning technologies (DOT) and electronic educational resources (EER). The authors take the position that distance technologies and electronic teaching aids in art education should be considered as a special factor of cultural and artistic dynamics, as an effective tool for improving the quality and accessibility of higher art and pedagogical education, which should not be understood as an invention and implementation of which something new, but a high-quality organic combination of elements of artistic traditions, based on time-tested, timeless approaches and techniques.
Keywords: informatization, art and pedagogical education, electronic educational resources, distance technologies, professional activity, competencies.
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For citation:
Rudnev I.Yu., Ignatiev S.E. Features of the use of electronic educational resources and distance technologies in higher art and pedagogical education. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.325-333. DOI: