ISSN 2409-7616

Gatieva L.K.-M., Chernyaeva E.V., Tillaev A.K.



UDC 378

Gatieva L.K.-M.1 (Magas, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Chernyaeva E.V.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Tillaev A.K.3 (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan) – E-mail: tillayev.alisher@inbox

1Ingush State University

2Moscow State Technical University civil aviation

3Academic Lyceum, Tashkent Institute irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers farms

Abstract. The adaptation of students to study at the university has long been studied by domestic teachers and psychologists. Many scientists consider the adaptation of students – in the recent past, schoolchildren – to study at a university as one of the types of their general adaptation, which is understood, on the one hand, as the adaptation of the individual to constant external conditions, on the other – as the active interaction of the person himself on this environment. The article discusses the theoretical and applied aspects of managing the professional and personal development of students in the university educational environment in the process of their adaptation to the learning process. The professional and personal development of students is considered in the context of the implementation of a competency-based approach, as well as personality-oriented educational technologies. At the same time, the educational environment of the university is considered as a factor and resource of professional and personal development of students. A model of the educational environment focused on effective management of professional and personal development of students, including resource, subjective, informational, technological and communicative blocks, is proposed. These blocks provide the multidimensionality of the educational environment, which includes subsystems characterized as the learning environment and the upbringing environment. At the same time, it is necessary to work out the issues of managing the development of an educational environment capable of effectively solving the issues of building educational practice.

Keywords: professional and personal development, university, adaptation, educational environment, competence approach, university educational technologies, mechanisms of adaptation to the educational environment, socialization of students, educational practices at the university.


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For citation:

Gatieva L.K.-M., Chernyaeva E.V., Tillaev A.K. Adaptation of students to the university educational environment in the context of professional and personal development. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.298-308. DOI: