Ryazantsev S.V., Bragin A.D.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.4.17
UDC 330.1+314.143
Ryazantsev S.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail: riazan@mail.ru, Bragin A.D.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail: alexbragin562@gmail.com
1Institute for Demographic Research FCTAS RAS
Abstract. This article presents a methodology for assessing the impact of immigration on ethno-demographic processes in the Russian Federation. The relevance of the development of this methodology is determined by the fact that with the natural decline of the population of the Russian Federation immigration plays a decisive role in both the socio-economic and demographic development of the country. Taking into account the fact that Russia is among the leading countries in terms of the scale and intensity of migration flows, the analysis of their structure and the assessment of the impact on the host society is a priority area of migration research. As a result of the development of the theoretical and methodological basis of the study, the main directions of interaction between immigration and the ethno-demographic structure of the host society are highlighted. It is determined that immigration can significantly influence the ethnic and demographic structure of the population of the Russian Federation by several main vectors. Based on the analyzed data and taking into account the theoretical and methodological basis of the study of immigration processes, qualitative and quantitative indicators for assessing the impact of immigration on ethnic and demographic processes in Russian society have been formed. The developed indicators relate to both basic migration indicators and are expressed in the form of calculation formulas. These coefficients are divided into separate groups according to their numerical and structural components. In the course of this work, the authors have identified the main recommendations for specialized agencies to improve the methodology of analysis and the system of collecting statistical data on migration flows within the ethno-demographic processes of Russian society. The developed methodology can contribute to the modernization of the migration policy of the Russian Federation and improve the methodology for assessing and analyzing migration flows and the ethno-demographic structure of Russian society.
Keywords: ethnic characteristics, demography, migration, Russia, reproductive behavior, population.
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For citation:
Ryazantsev S.V., Bragin A.D. Methodology for assesing the impact of immigration on ethno-demographic processes in the Russian Federation. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.166-177. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.4.17