ISSN 2409-7616

Gogitsaeva O.U.



UDC 378

Gogitsaeva O.U.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of professional identity in the psychological and pedagogical literature. Having analyzed a great number of sources the author of the article identifies the following indicators and conditions of the formation of the professional identity of a teacher-psychologist: a teacher-psychologist’s concept of his professional group; factor of satisfaction with his work, the chosen profession as a way of self-realization. The concept of “professional identity” in the studies of domestic scientists is based on the principles of systematics and interdependence of mental processes; genetic interconnectedness of identity components. The article considers the structure of professional identity as a set of stable links between the following components, providing its integrity and identity itself: cognitive component, which includes professional knowledge and skills, influencing the formation of a person’s view of the chosen profession and his attitude to it, professional self-esteem. The article proves the thesis that personal self-determination plays a significant role in the formation of professional identity. Identity is considered by the author from the point of view of a complex psychological phenomenon, that is, as a set of basic personal qualities in a dynamic structure that can change in the process of transformation of environmental conditions. The theoretical study of foreign and domestic psychological and pedagogical literature conducted by the author of the article has shown not only the wide use of the concept of identity, but also that there is no unity in the interpretation of this phenomenon. In the process of studying the theoretical framework devoted to the problem of professional identity, we paid attention to the approaches of scientists to the structure of the considered phenomenon in accordance with the cognitive, motivational, value components.

Keywords: identification, professional identity, structure of professional identity, psychology of professional identity formation.


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For citation:

Gogitsaeva O.U. The problem of professional identity in psychological and pedagogical literature: theoretical aspect. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.129-136. DOI: