ISSN 2409-7616

Lukin O.S.



UDC 379.8

Lukin O.S.1 (Lobnya, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Social and health center «Lesnaya polyana»

Abstract. In the children’s health camp, a special socio-cultural space is formed that creates conditions for personal development, effective social interaction of children and translates important social attitudes and life values. The specificity of the educational potential of the children’s health camp is due to the creation of conditions for the disclosure of the socio-cultural experience of children in the situation of their inclusion in the optimal socio-natural space, socio-cultural interaction with teachers and children, various forms of creative work, as well as due to distance from the familiar, sometimes not entirely positive, communication environment , and this contributes to the disclosure of the personal potential of children. The purpose of the article is to analyze the socio-cultural space of a children’s health camp as an important resource for personal development, enhancing cognition, communication, creative self-expression, self-actualization of children, creating conditions for revealing their potential in the leisure sphere. Research objectives: to analyze the psychological and pedagogical potential of the children’s health camp, the specifics of the organization of its socio-cultural space. Research hypothesis: the analysis of the socio-cultural space of the children’s health camp will create conditions for optimizing its health-improving, educational and upbringing work. Research methods: analysis, systematization, generalization. In the course of the work, the psychological and pedagogical potential of the children’s health camp, as well as the specifics of the organization of its socio-cultural space, were analyzed. It was found that the socio-cultural space of the children’s health camp is formed by educational, health-improving and upbringing support of children, including programs for creative development and personal self-realization, self-knowledge, physical, intellectual and spiritual and moral development. An important indicator of the effectiveness of this process is the personal results of children, the success they have achieved in various activities. To optimize this process, it is important to focus on specific targets for activities that take into account the specific conditions of a children’s health camp.

Keywords: socio-cultural space, organization of children’s recreation, children’s health camp, health-improving educational and educational activities.


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For citation:

Lukin O.S. Sociocultural space of children’s health camp. CITISE, 2021, no. 3, pp.166-176. DOI: