ISSN 2409-7616

Bruk Z.Yu., Kuchterina G.V., Patrusheva I.V., Fedina L.V.



UDC 378

Bruk Z.Yu.1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Kuchterina G.V.1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Patrusheva I.V.1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Fedina L.V.1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Tyumen State University

Abstract. The authors turn to a discussion of the subjective and psychological well-being of future teachers. The well-being of educators is a prerequisite for the school of the future. The teacher is the center of the educational environment. He sets models and demonstrates attitudes of society towards the inclusive transformation of the school. Subjective and psychological well-being can be critical in the professional development of an educator. Satisfaction with oneself, work, relationships with others will determine the teacher’s involvement in the real processes that take place in a modern school, his willingness to work in conditions of the values of a fair, accessible and equal education for all. Professional training determines the relationship of the future teacher to his profession, to himself, to society. The article analyzes the subjective and psychological well-being of future teachers, depending on their professional experience and level of education. The study was carried out using the psychodiagnostic techniques of M.V. Sokolova and K. Riff. The sample consisted of 65 students: 31 students have higher or secondary vocational education and practical work experience, and 34 students have only secondary general education and experience less than 3 years. The results showed that students with professional experience have a lower level of subjective well-being (statistically significant differences were found on the scales “satisfaction with daily activities” and “tension and sensitivity”) and a higher level of psychological well-being (statistically significant differences were obtained on the scales “environmental management” and “goals in life”). The data obtained confirm the special role of experience and practice in the process of teacher training, the need for its high-quality integration into vocational training programs.

Keywords: subjective well-being; psychological well-being; future teachers; professional experience.


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For citation:

Bruk Z.Yu., Kuchterina G.V., Patrusheva I.V., Fedina L.V. Well-being of teachers in inclusive school transformation. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.533-542. DOI: