Akhmetgareeva E.V., Latypova Z.B., Safiullina I.S., Stulin D.S.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.40
UDC 372.891
Akhmetgareeva E.V.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail: akhmetgareeva.elvira@mail.ru, Latypova Z.B.2 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail: zakira_latypova@mail.ru, Safiullina I.S.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail: indira.dautova@mail.ru, Stulin D.S.3 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail: d.stulin@yandex.ru
1Bashkir State University
2Bashkir State Pedagogical University
3Lyceum No. 42
Abstract. Today, there are objective prerequisites for studying environmental problems in a school geography course in order to form a socially active person who can predict their actions, assess the consequences of their relationships with the environment, since the study of environmental problems is a necessary condition for solving contradictions in the system “man – nature – society”. This article discusses the methodology of forming geographical knowledge on the ecological path, shows the scientific, psychological, pedagogical and methodological aspects of studying geography on the ecological path, also analyzes the materials on working on ecological paths operating in the Republic of Bashkortostan, justifies the local history approach to studying geographical issues on the ecological path, considers the system of studying these problems and the forms of implementation in the geography course of secondary school. The formed ecological and geographical knowledge of schoolchildren on the educational ecological path is structured in the form of a table. Methodological recommendations for studying the geographical issues of the school curriculum on the ecological trail are proposed. It is noted that the creation of educational ecological trails contributes to the improvement of the scientific level of school education. The knowledge that students gain on the trail is closely related to the program material, they help to expand and deepen the knowledge gained in the classroom. The main thing is that children master the skills to put into practice knowledge from different subjects in a complex, comprehending the inseparable unity of the natural environment and man. To solve this problem, the development and use of nature training trails in the learning process will help. The proposed methodological recommendations for studying geographical issues on the ecological trail will allow you to study the ecological state of your region, assess the main environmental problems and acquire practical skills. The conducted research allows us to speak about the need to expand the practical program works of environmental content in the course of geography of the main school. In connection with the greening of all school disciplines, it becomes relevant to introduce integrated classes on the ground, taking into account the school regional component.
Keywords: school, geography, ecological trail, geographical knowledge.
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For citation:
Akhmetgareeva E.V., Latypova Z.B., Safiullina I.S., Stulin D.S. Learning environmental trail: history, types, purpose and examples of use. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.422-434. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.40