Hizbullina R.Z., Telnova T.M., Litvinova S.A., Muzafarov R.R., Magasumov T.M.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.10
UDC 37.012
Hizbullina R.Z.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail: hizbullina@yandex.ru, Telnova T.M.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail: telnova-tp@yandex.ru, Litvinova S.A.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail: ivanovasva@mail.ru, Muzafarov R.R.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail: muzafarov-radif@mail.ru, Magasumov T.M.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail: timur_mag@mail.ru
1Bashkir State University
Abstract. This article notes that the specificity of geography as a school subject is that one of the conditions for its assimilation is the ability of schoolchildren to use knowledge about their land, their area to expand the consolidation of existing knowledge. The use of local history knowledge ensures the formation of skills to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, equips the student with such important skills as reading, analyzing and comparing maps, statistics, and Internet sources. Local history works help educate students of hard work, develop independence, and also contribute to high-quality training in geography. The article also shows the role of the local history principle of education in the formation of geographical knowledge of schoolchildren. It is noted that local history material should contain both physical, geographical and economic and geographical knowledge, should meet programmatic requirements and contribute to a deeper and more durable understanding of the basic geographical concepts by students. Analytical calculations based on the results of students’ work are used. Particular emphasis is placed on strengthening the activities of schoolchildren, for example, options are given for organizing work with students on the manufacture of makeshift manuals created by them based on the materials of excursions and practical work on the ground. The possibilities of using local history knowledge are shown, both in teaching issues related to the study of nature and economics. The role of excursion observations for creating problem situations is considered, when studying the topic “Geography of Agriculture of the Russian Federation” and recommendations are made separately for rural and urban schools. It is also noted that the study of agricultural production can be organized by various methods: observations, the accumulation of cognitive experience, analysis and compilation of diagrams.
Keywords: local history, economic geography, pedagogy, school education, excursions.
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For citation:
Hizbullina R.Z., Telnova T.M., Litvinova S.A., Muzafarov R.R., Magasumov T.M. Role of local history material in enhancing learning activities of students in geography education. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.102-115. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.10