ISSN 2409-7616

Mardakhaev L.V., Varlamova E.Yu.



UDC 378.14

Mardakhaev L.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Varlamova E.Yu.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Russian State Social University

2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The article deals with the ways to organize teaching foreign languages on the basis of the language-and-culture content, for professional and personal development. The purpose of the article is revealing the ways of preparing a trainee for intercultural communication by means of personal development in educational activities. The systemic, complex, socio-cultural principles and the principle of dialogue between cultures have formed the basis of the research. The authors have described the language-and culture content with its logical structure, in which the mother-culture and the foreign culture are significant components. Combined teacher-led and out-of-class students’ activities, online courses, aimed at solving the tasks of socio-cultural development of a student as the component of the multicultural society, have been described to show them as examples of applying the language-and-culture content.The research with its results is applicable in teaching foreign languages, while working with different groups of trainees, schoolchildren and students. The key aspect implies organizing the educational process on the basis of language-and-culture content in teacher-led and out-of-class students’ activities, practices with online resources. Focus on the trainee’s personal features, the personal social development while learning foreign languages and cultures, is another aspect, which defines the novelty of the research. The authors have come to the conclusion that the approach to the trainee’s personality, considered in complex of social and cultural features, is aimed at preparing a person for intercultural communication in educational process, based on language-and-culture content; meanwhile keeping the personal national identity is the overarching goal.

Keywords: language-and culture content, foreign-language teaching, national identity, combined students’ activities, online course, personality.


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For citation:

Mardakhaev L.V., Varlamova E.Yu. Language-and-culture aspects of teaching foreign languages at schools and universities. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.57-66. DOI: