Dronova N.A.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.02
UDC 37.013.21
Dronova N.A.1 (Stavropol, Russian Federation) – E-mail: dronowanatalia@yandex.ru
1North Caucasus Federal University
Abstract. The article presents the role of research activity in the process of forming a harmoniously developed personality, describes the algorithm for conducting scientific work of a student with a teacher, defines the tasks of research activities of schoolchildren, characterizes the role of the virtual educational environment in the process of activating research activity, shows the effectiveness of organizing research activities of students using virtual tools, methods and techniques. The problem of activating the research activity of the modern generation by means of the virtual environment seems relevant and timely: at present, a large number of museums have appeared that have useful and valuable «exhibits» that can stimulate not only cognitive activity, but also research, creative, practical, gaming and others. The purpose of the study is to show the possibilities of the virtual environment in the course of the development of research skills of schoolchildren, to present an algorithm for the development of research activity. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the allocation of significant diverse resources of the virtual environment, which can stimulate the research activities of students both in the classroom and in independent and extracurricular activities. Thanks to the identification of the main tasks of research activities (increasing the student’s personal confidence, forming students’ awareness of the importance of scientific activities, developing collective work skills, etc.), it became clear that the use of virtual environment resources is mandatory: this way not only the process of learning and development is achieved, but also the ability to meet the needs of society. The virtual environment helps to improve in the field of computer technology, communication skills also due to the interdisciplinary focus of information, and the ways of presenting information (graphic, visual, game) contribute to the development of creative skills.
Keywords: research activity, school, virtual environment, educational environment, scientific effectiveness.
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For citation:
Dronova N.A. Development of research activity of schoolchildren in the virtual educational environment. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.18-26. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.02