Solomatin E.V.
UDC 37.01
Solomatin E.V.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School
Abstract. The article deals with the issues of professional and pedagogical activity of a novice teacher of a military educational institution and the essence of his pedagogical culture. The components of the development of personal and professional qualities of a novice teacher are considered as an obligatory component of pedagogical culture. Considering the essence of pedagogical culture as a complex and multifaceted concept, its components were touched upon, which are military pedagogical orientation, psychological and pedagogical erudition, pedagogical optimism, pedagogical skills, pedagogical communication, and self-improvement. The pedagogical culture of a military teacher is a specific manifestation of the general culture in the conditions of the pedagogical process of a military university, which expresses his desire for continuous improvement of his activities, acts both as his norm of behavior and as a comprehensive program for his further military-pedagogical and spiritual-moral development. The author believes that pedagogical culture has a direct connection with the pedagogical skill of a teacher, which is understood as a qualitative characteristic of his professionalism, the development of his skill of self-realization for a professional purpose. It is characterized by the level of professional readiness, mastered competencies for professional purposes (acquired psychological and pedagogical knowledge, possession of technologies, methods, techniques and experience of their implementation in various situations of pedagogical activity), as well as the perfection (development) of personality traits that determine the success of his self-realization in a professional way destination.
Keywords: novice teacher, military university, pedagogical culture, pedagogical activity, pedagogical skill.
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For citation:
Solomatin E.V. Features of formation of pedagogical culture beginning teacher of a military university. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.478-487. DOI: