Pinchuk A.Y.
UDC 378
Pinchuk A.Y.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Moscow State Technological University “STANKIN”
Abstract. The article deals with the issue of the state of engineering and its systemic definition in Russia. The substantiation of the modern understanding of the profession of an engineer is given as a kind of reference point, on the basis of which social roles and functions are clarified and corrected. The needs of a technological breakthrough, ensuring digital transformation, dictate new tasks in the framework of engineering development, professional training. Russia’s transition to an innovative path of development led to the formulation of a fundamentally new task for engineering universities – to become centers of innovative activity in the regions and industrial sectors of real business. This task required the implementation of systemic adjustments, both in the educational sphere and in the innovation policy of the Russian state. A positive solution to this problem in the near future will contribute to the development of engineering education, including the activation of the processes of integration of universities with the scientific sphere and industry of the country. The author believes that there is a need to solve two basic tasks: ensuring a harmonious relationship between education, industry and the labor market in the country; find new approaches to the formation of engineering competencies in the new digital environment. Practice shows that all successful Russian universities and engineering scientific schools, without exception, are distinguished by real integration with strategic partners in the production sphere, which allows to overcome the objectively existing barrier between university training and the willingness of graduates to effectively engage in real engineering activities.
Keywords: engineering school, social institution, science, technological breakthrough, digital transformation.
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For citation:
Pinchuk A.Y. Formation of domestic engineering school as a form of an effective response of the Russian societies for big challenges. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.425-435. DOI: