Makarova O.V., Makarov V.A., Gasparyan S.V.
UDC 338.432
Makarova O.V.1 (Ryazan, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Makarov V.A.2 (Ryazan, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Gasparyan S.V.1 (Ryazan, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Academy of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia
2Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostycheva
Abstract. The article examines the main problematic aspects of the use of scientific and technical achievements in the grain subcomplex. Two forms of development of technical progress of the agro-industrial complex in the evolutionary and revolutionary period contributing to the development of the analyzed subcomplex are considered. The factors influencing the innovative development of the grain product subcomplex are grouped. The role of the material and technical base in agricultural production is determined. The study of the use of the machine system in the grain subcomplex on the example of the Ryazan region in the pre-perestroika period is carried out, the indicators of the economic efficiency of its functioning are characterized, its shortcomings are identified. The new system of machines influencing the increase in the level of technical and economic indicators in the grain industry is analyzed. The structure of the technologization system is formed, consisting of subsystems (blocks), such as: organizational and financial, agrotechnical, technical, personnel and logistics activities, etc. The factors that are mandatory conditions for the development of scientific and technological progress at the present stage are listed. The advantages of the formed block system and its impact on the development of the grain subcomplex are highlighted. The role of agricultural production technologization is defined. The volume of production of marketable products in various countries is considered and the trends of declining growth are revealed. The analysis of the provision of agricultural organizations with grain harvesters in the Russian Federation over the past ten years is carried out. Economic calculations of the number of combine harvesters for today’s grain volume were carried out, conclusions were drawn on the renewal of the combine fleet. Based on these indicators, the share of countries that supply grain harvesters to Russia is formed. Measures are planned for the introduction of high-performance equipment that meets the main principles of the development of the grain subcomplex and the grain economy as a whole. Thus, the practical orientation of the material under consideration will allow us to overcome the destructive processes of the material and technical base of the agro-industrial complex.
Keywords: grain-product subcomplex, agro-industrial complex, technologization, combine harvesters, means of mechanization.
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For citation:
Makarova O.V., Makarov V.A., Gasparyan S.V. Problematic aspects of the use of scientific and technical achievements in the grain subcomplex. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.412-424. DOI: