Kuchterina G.V., Semenovskikh T.V., Soloveva E.А., Fedina L.V.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.1.34
UDC 378.1
Kuchterina G.V.1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation) – E-mail: g.v.kukhterina@utmn.ru, Semenovskikh T.V.1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation) – E-mail: t.v.semenovskikh@utmn.ru, Soloveva E.А.1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation) – E-mail: e.a.soloveva@utmn.ru, Fedina L.V.1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation) – E-mail: l.v.fedina@utmn.ru
1Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, University of Tyumen
Abstract. In the context of “changing changes”, vocational education is undergoing a qualitative structural rebranding. When training a specialist, the idea of trying to “stay ahead of the speed of change” comes to the fore. Its implementation does not assume a temporary nature. Education needs guidelines that can qualitatively change the specification of training. Preadaptation to uncertainty allows you to shift the focus to the resource component in the development of the personality of students, to answer the question: how can a person be ready for the unknown tomorrow? The search for indicators that determine the preadaptation to uncertainty will allow us to identify the grounds for the transformation of vocational education. The article presents the survey results with 98 students aged 19-21 majoring in Pedagogical Education at Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia. The aim of the study is to identify significant indicators and correlations of self-organization of activities and the psychological wellbeing of university students, as predictors of their pre-adaptation to uncertainty. To assess the components of well-being and the level of students’ self-organization were identified through the Psychological Well-Being Scale (C. Ryff) and the Self-Organization of Activities Questionnaire (E.Y. Mandrikova). The first stage of the study was carried out in May 2019, the second stage in May 2020. The comparative analysis revealed the dynamics in the indicators of students’ psychological well-being and the presence of significant relationships of most of them with indicators of self-organization of students’ activities. This makes it possible to consider the extent of various aspects of psychological well-being and of self-organization of activities of the younger generation as an important potential for their preadaptability in a rapidly changing world.
Keywords: preadaptation; self-organization of activities; psychological well-being; students; pandemic.
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For citation:
Kuchterina G.V., Semenovskikh T.V., Soloveva E.А., Fedina L.V. Pre adaptivity of the student’s personality «the age of uncertainty»: search for indicators. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.381-392. DOI:http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.1.34