Bazilevich S.V., Lipkina E.D., Malygina M.V.
UDC 338.24:001
Bazilevich S.V.1 (Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Lipkina E.D.1 (Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Malygina M.V.2 (Omsk, Russian Federation) E-mail:
1Omsk State Transport University
2Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports
Abstract. The article deals with the problems of introducing an innovative product into the activities of a restaurant. The authors share the position that the introduction of an innovative product is an excellent tool for the successful organization of the restaurant business. The article presents marketing activities in the field of public catering. The components of the marketing complex of the restaurant “Hottabovich” are considered. The authors determined that in order to increase the volume of sales of services in a restaurant, it is necessary to use two forms of promotion: advertising and the development of a new innovative product. To increase website traffic in the Hottabovich restaurant, it was proposed to use such a tool as S EO optimization. In the course of the research, the authors found that market communications such as Internet marketing and communications at points of sale are able to increase the flow of visitors to the Hottabovich restaurant. The authors note that the marketing activity of the restaurant is implemented efficiently, has a complex effect on all components of the commercial activity. The main tools of the company’s advertising activities are: outdoor advertising, video advertising, print advertising, promotion to the network and the Internet. It is noted that in order to form a stable position on the market, the Hottabovich restaurant needs to use all the advantages of advertising. The authors proposed a system for introducing an electronic menu as an innovative product, and calculated the costs of introducing this system. The advantages of introducing an electronic menu system are indicated. The authors believe that the use of marketing communications to promote the restaurant and the introduction of an innovative product into the activities of the Hottabovich restaurant will allow the company to successfully develop and compete in the public catering market.
Keywords: innovative product, restaurant activity, consumers, marketing activity, SEO-promotion, restaurant website, electronic menu.
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For citation:
Bazilevich S.V., Lipkina E.D., Malygina M.V. Implementation of an innovative product in the restaurant business. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.281-298. DOI: