Egorova Y.N., Genvareva Y.A., Zotova T.A., Nalichnikova I.A., Yartsev A.А.
UDC 378
Egorova Y.N.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Genvareva Y.A.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Zotova T.A.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Nalichnikova I.A.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Yartsev A.А.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) E-mail:
1Orenburg Institute of Railways – branch of “Samara State Transport University”
Abstract. The article considers the concept of “the student’s professional self-realization”, its essence, place and role in the professional activity of a future railway engineer from the point of view of pedagogical support. The purpose of this scientific work was to determine the effective forms of pedagogical support for the student’s professional self-realization in the railway university. The foundations of professional self-realization of students are laid during their studies at the railway university, as well as the foundations of professionalism. The authors have identified pedagogical patterns and principles that are crucial for the student’s professional self-realization. The article presents an experimental work on determining the optimal conditions for pedagogical support of the student’s professional self-realization in the railway university. In the course of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that the student’s professional self-realization will take place if there is a purposeful and systematically organized pedagogical support of the educational process. The results of the analysis allow the authors to consider the pedagogical support of the student’s professional self-realization in the railway university as a set of pedagogical conditions for the organization of interaction between students and teachers in the educational environment of the railway university, which is aimed at self-realization of students in the professional sphere.
Keywords: pedagogical support; self-realization; self-realization of the student; professional self-realization of the student; professional education.
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For citation:
Egorova Y.N., Genvareva Y.A., Zotova T.A., Nalichnikova I.A., Yartsev A.А. Pedagogical support of students, professional self-realization in the railway university. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.130-139. DOI: