Bazilevich S.V., Lipkina E.D., Malygina M.V.
UDC 330.34
Bazilevich S.V.1(Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Lipkina E.D.1(Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Malygina M.V.2 (Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Omsk State Transport University
2Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports
Abstract. The article deals with the problems of using innovations by organizations carrying out exhibition activities. The authors take the position of the need for companies carrying out exhibition activities to implement innovations, which in modern market conditions become real competitive advantages, can significantly expand the entire range of proposals and increase the level of efficiency of interaction between producers and consumers. The article presents an algorithm for the implementation of innovations in the field of exhibition activities, containing analytical and practical implementation blocks, which show the sequence of necessary actions to identify manageable internal resources and external threats, analyze the main factors of influence and develop a set of measures to ensure adaptation to market requirements and effective use of innovative technologies. The authors made an attempt to identify a number of priority internal and external factors that stimulate development in the field of exhibition activities and create conditions for the successful implementation of innovations, and to establish the main problems of effective innovation. The article presents measures for the effective implementation of innovations in organizations carrying out exhibition activities: the introduction of a customer relationship management system (CRM-system); creation of an online platform for online exhibitions and online forums; launch of the project “Live installation” on the platform of JSC IEC “Intersib” and determined the optimal periods for holding the the level of all processes carried out by the multifunctional exhibition center in general.
Keywords: innovations, innovative activities, customer base, internet platform, virtual exhibitions, interactive space, website.
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For citation:
Bazilevich S.V., Lipkina E.D., Malygina M.V. Implementation of innovations in the field of exhibition activities. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.7-22. DOI: