E. Telicheva
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.43
Elena G. Telicheva – Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, associate Professor of Department of social and cultural service and tourism, Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, E-mail: telicheva_e@mail.ru
Abstract. In the context of the stated topic, the focus of the study is aimed at determining the role of project activities in the training of competent specialists and solving industry problems, in particular tourism. Socio-economic changes in society have led to the need to modernize the education system. The labor market places high demands on graduates, in particular of higher education institutions, which is reflected in the provisions of professional standards. Educational organizations have been given the task of forming specialists of a new formation with a high level of competence. The tourism industry is in need of highly qualified personnel. The implementation of activities within the framework of targeted programs, development strategies, within the power of specialists with an innovative approach, flexible, situational thinking, who know the methods of research, creative, project activities. The research hypothesis is based on the statement that the inclusion of project activities in the structure of the educational process will create the preconditions for the formation of situational thinking, original proposals, ideas, solutions, embodied in students’ projects. Materials and methodology. Analyzed the structure and content of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++, Professional Standards; directions of development of national tourism at the state level. Applied scientific methods – systematization, analysis, deduction. In educational practice, the introduction of project activities in the educational process is considered as an innovative resource that allows students to master educational programs with high quality. The introduction of project activities into the structure of the educational process will allow to form the competencies necessary for a specialist in the field of tourism to create a competitive product. The study of domestic and foreign experience in the implementation of project activities in the educational process confirms the arguments that graduates of educational institutions should be competent in professional activities. Project activities are aimed at developing creative abilities, logical thinking, motivation for the development of the cognitive interests of a future specialist. The article presents the results of the implementation of project activities in the educational process of a higher educational institution.
Keywords: educational organizations, educational process, competence, project activities, creative thinking, methodology, practical experience.
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For citation:
Telicheva E.G. Project activity as a means of forming professional competence of bachelors of tourism. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.498-510. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.43