ISSN 2409-7616

K. Rzhesik



Konstantin A. Rzhesik –PhD (Candidate of technical sciences), professor, head of the department of refrigeration and commercial equipment named after V.V. Osokin, Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mykhayilo Tugan-Baranovsky, Donetsk, Donetsk People’s Republicб ORCID:б E-mail:

Abstract. The article defines the objects of scientific research, namely the directions of formation and development of marketing information technologies as a way to improve the quality of trade organization and promotion of household appliances, directions for improving and improving the effectiveness of marketing research in the home appliance market based on modeling strategic management of marketing processes in the production of household appliances. The role of strategic management of marketing processes in production is highlighted, as well as strategic forecasting and planning of the production process of household appliances. The directions of improving the efficiency of marketing research in the home appliances market are presented.  The scheme of influence on marketing processes on the analysis of deviations from the normative image is developed in order to obtain an integrated assessment for all household appliances or a selected part. Presents the author’s development of adaptation schemes of marketing management in consumer electronics, the author takes into account the influence of the following factors on marketing management such as: the nature of the impact; intensity of impact; location or place of the action; the duration of exposure. The author proves that by analyzing the trends of changes in the intensity of the impact of factors, it is possible to determine the global trend to increase or decrease the intensity of their manifestation and analyze the change in the dependence of the enterprise on the impact of the external environment at different levels of impact. The author systematizes information technologies that are used in marketing research and presents directions for the development of Internet marketing in the home appliances market, which contribute to the effective promotion of home appliances on the world and national markets.

Keywords: marketing research, home appliance market, modeling, strategic management, strategic planning, strategic forecasting, marketing processes, Internet marketing, information technology.


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For citation:

Rzhesik K.A. Modeling of strategic management of marketing processes in the production of household appliances. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.571-581. DOI: