M. Klimentov
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.31
Maxim V. Klimentov –Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Training, Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School (NVVKU), Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, E- mail: klimentoffmaks@yandex.ru;
Abstract. The article reveals the most important role of physical culture and sports in preparing junior cadets for future military professional activities. It is noted that at the initial stage of training in a military university (junior years), with systematic physical exercises and sports, willpower, endurance and self-control, the ability for constant self-esteem and self-control, the desire to increase the level of one’s achievements are formed, that is, all those qualities are formed , which form the basis of the professional activities of future officers of the Russian army. The conducted research indicates the presence of high potential capabilities of cadets of a military higher educational institution, which presupposes the maximum realization of these capabilities in the process of their training. In the physical education of cadets of a military higher educational institution, various means and various methods of physical and psychophysical education of a personality are used, which ensures the formation of the personality of a future military specialist, the basis of his professional orientation. Evidence has been obtained that physical culture and sports are a powerful means of social formation of a cadet’s personality, which is the most important condition in his professional development. Physical education is the most important means of comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of the future officer of the Russian army. Thus, systematic physical exercises and sports by cadets of a military university contribute to their healthy lifestyle, upbringing of spirituality and morality, the approval of moral-volitional and mental qualities of the individual, the habit of systematic independent physical exercises and sports.
Keywords: physical training, physical education, cadets, officers, military personnel, physical exercises and sports, physical culture, military universities, abilities and skills, military-applied sports.
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For citation:
Klimentov M.V. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of effectiveness of training of junior courses of a military higher education institution for work on the physical education of military services on draft. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.358-370. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.31