ISSN 2409-7616

S. Markovchin, S. Kravtsov



Sergey G. Markovchin –Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, Novosibirsk,  Russian Federation, E-mail:

Sergey A. Kravtsov –Lecturer, Department of Peacetime Divisions Management, Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. The article deals with the content, role and history of the development of management in the activities of officers of the Russian, Soviet and modern Russian army. The special role of pedagogical science in the formation of the theoretical foundations and skills of management activity is noted. The authors thoroughly analyzed, systematized, compared, compared and summarized many historical factors and aspects in the development of the Russian army concerning the issues of the officer’s managerial activity, which made it possible to determine approaches to solving the problem of the formation of organizational and managerial competence in a military university of modern Russia. The tasks of the formation of competencies in the organizational and managerial activities of graduates of military universities, determined by the federal state educational standard for the specialty “Personnel Management”, are analyzed, the essence of management and organization is determined in relation to the military organization. The definition of the essence of organizational and managerial competence of an officer is given, its structure and content are determined. The author analyzes the distinctive features of the process of forming organizational and managerial competence in a military university. It is noted that the basis of its formation is the training, education and development of cadets in the military pedagogical process. The study made it possible to define the content of the organizational and managerial competence of an officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, to reveal its essence and structure; identify and substantiate the position concerning the fact that the most important stage in the formation of an officer’s organizational and managerial competence is the stage of his training at a military university.

Keywords: managerial activity, the formation of organizational and managerial competence of cadets.


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For citation:

Markovchin S.G., Kravtsov S.A. Problems of the officer’s management activities and the formation of organizational and management competence in the military university. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.321-333. DOI: