A. Egorychev, A. Ivoeva, A. Kretinin
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.16
Alexander M. Egorychev –Doctor of philosophy, Professor, Russian state social University, Moscow, Russian Federation, ORCID iD 0000-0002-7497-4508, E-mail: chelovekcap@mail.ru
Alla V. Ivoeva –The applicant in the direction of training 13.00.08 – Theory and methodology of professional education, Russian state social University, Moscow. Russian Federation, E-mail: 2588522@mail.ru
Alexander S. Kretinin –General Director, Chairman of the Board of the Center for Innovative Technologies and Social Expertise, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail: cit-sr@mail.ru
Abstract. Issues related to deontological aspects of professional training of specialists in working with youth are considered. The author emphasizes the necessity and importance of the development of ethical and spiritual-moral qualities in future specialists of the corresponding profile, emphasizes the importance of practical activity in consolidating the theoretical knowledge about deontology and corresponding behavior in the framework of their professional activities. Despite the fact that in the regulatory and legal documents adopted at the government level, there are clear orientations associated with the need for professional training of specialists in working with young people on the basis of high culture, in the domestic university educational practice there are practically no academic disciplines related to the disclosure of the features of deontological culture. in the activities of a youth work specialist. Despite the relevance and awareness of the problem posed in the Russian scientific and educational community, nevertheless, there is very little scientific, educational and methodological literature in this area. The author takes a firm position, expressed in the need to include a special discipline dedicated to the deontological culture of a specialist in working with youth in the main educational program of all Russian universities that train students in the appropriate direction and profile.
Keywords: deontology, deontological culture, specialist in work with youth.
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For citation:
Egorychev A.M., Ivoeva A.V., Kretinin A.S. Deontological aspects of professional training of specialists for work with youth. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.178-187. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.16