N. Biziaeva
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.01
Natalia V. Biziaeva –Teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow “School No. 2097”, Master, Postgraduate Student, State Autonomous Educational Institution “Moscow City Pedagogical University”, Moscow, Russian Federation, ORCID 0000-0001-5081-8992, E-mail: bizyaeva1058@mail.ru
Abstract. In international studies such as PISA for the period 2012-2018, the places of Russian schoolchildren are at a level significantly lower than the OECD average. To change this situation, it is necessary to take into account the experience of the leading countries of the world, in which training is built through research and project activities. Leading experts note that in Russian educational standards much less practical tasks for mastering design and research skills, as well as cooperation and social interaction are presented in Russian educational standards than in leading countries of education, a low level of proficiency in modern technologies is revealed. The Federal State Educational Standard and the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education” (2018–2025) put forward requirements for the education and upbringing of a child with “21st century skills”, including math, reading, scientific, financial and global skills. There is a contradiction between the need to develop the above competencies among students at different stages, starting from the level of primary education, and the inadequate development of methods and technologies to achieve the goals of competence-based learning. This contradiction explains the relevance of the topic chosen. Functional mathematical literacy, according to K.A. Krasnyanskaya and L.O. Denischeva consists of mathematical competencies, which must be formed by means of a specially developed system of educational tasks that are part of educational and research activities. Research resources contribute to the formation of mathematical literacy and universal competencies. This article substantiates the structure of educational and research activities, which makes it possible to develop mathematical literacy of primary schoolchildren. The structure of educational and research activities is substantiated by means of content analysis of the frequency of use of the stages included in the structure of “educational and research activities”. The presented structure of educational and research activities contributes to the formation of mathematical literacy, thereby allowing the formation of universal competencies, which are defined in the Federal State Educational Standard as a “portrait of a primary school graduate”.
Keywords: mathematical literacy, structure of educational and research activities, universal competencies.
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For citation:
Biziaeva N.V. The role and place of mathematical literacy of younger schools in the system of educational and research activities of the modern school. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.7-16. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.01