ISSN 2409-7616

A. Bykov



Anatoly K. Bykov –Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Deputy Vice-Rector for additional professional education, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. The article interprets the patriotic upbringing of children and youth as a systematic and purposeful activity of the subjects of educational activity to form a growing generation of love for the motherland, high patriotic consciousness, readiness to fulfill a civic duty and constitutional duties to protect the interests of the homeland, patriotically directed activities. The author believes that it is legitimate to understand the formation of a system of patriotic education as the procedure for its dynamic improvement, qualitative increments in the integrity and completeness of interrelationships between its structural components, which is externally manifested in an increase in the level of patriotic consciousness and activity of people. Patriotism as a social feeling has an individual, personal, deeply intimate character. As a significant, dear and sacred feeling, patriotism is filled with subjective meanings at the level of the unconscious and conscious and occupies one of the most important places in the human value hierarchy. The process approach involves a comprehensive and phased implementation of the components of patriotic education by subjects of pedagogical activity as a pedagogical process: target, subject-object, meaningful, technological, analytical and effective. Another characteristic of the process approach is the perception of the process as an element of the organization of activities of the subjects of activity, the identification of phases, stages and stages in patriotic education.

Keywords: patriotism; patriotic education; patriotic consciousness; process approach; pedagogical process; children; young people; education system; growing generation.


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For citation:

Bykov A.K. Patriotic education of children and youth: process approach. CITISE, 2020, no. 3, pp.179-190. DOI: