ISSN 2409-7616

E. Akhmetgareeva, A. Nigmatullin, R. Khizbullina, M. Yakimov, A. Yanchurin



Elvira V. Akhmetgareeva – Student of the Department of physical geography, cartography and geodesy, faculty of geography, Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Azamat F. Nigmatullin – Candidate of geographical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of physical geography, cartography and geodesy, faculty of geography, Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Rezeda Z. Khizbullina – Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of physical geography, cartography and geodesy, faculty of geography, Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Mikhail S. Yakimov – Postgraduate student of the Department of physical geography, cartography and geodesy, faculty of geography, Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Aytugan M. Yanchurin – Student of the Department of physical geography, cartography and geodesy, faculty of geography, Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. Strengthening the work on professional orientation of the younger generation is a requirement of modern society. The school has always “supplied” students with knowledge of the basics of science, introduced them to the main problems facing our country. The study of applied Sciences helps to increase the theoretical level of education, arouses interest in science. This article shows the role of a geography teacher in the professional orientation of a modern schoolchild. Familiarity with geographical specialties is carried out: when working with the text of the textbook, during practical work in the classroom and on the ground, during the organization of excursions into nature. Excursions are the best preparation for career guidance in various specialties of geographical direction, practical repetition of theoretical material. The program of physical geography courses provides students in grades 5-8 with significant information about certain professions that are directly related to the educational material. These are most often professions in the field of intangible production: volcanologist, geologist, hydrologist, cartographer, climatologist, meteorologist, oceanologist, soil scientist, topographer (geodesist). The article gives a detailed description of these professions and methods of acquaintance with them in geography lessons. The teacher should distribute the material about geographical specialties into sections to cover the entire volume of professional training that can be offered during the study of physical geography. It is concluded that today geography teachers do not have enough scientifically-based recommendations for getting acquainted with geographical specialties.

Keywords: professional orientation, geographical specialties, physical geography courses, geography at school.



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For citation:

Akhmetgareeva E.V., Nigmatullin A.F., Khizbullina R.Z., Yakimov M.S., Yanchurin A.M. Familiarity with some geographical specialties in the course of studying geography at school. CITISE, 2020, no. 3, pp.63-74. DOI: