V. Kirillov, G. Kalabukhova, O. Malysheva, E. Tokareva
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.2.40
Viktor V. Kirillov – Candidate of History, Professor, Director of the Institute of Humanities FAEI HE «Moscow City University», Moscow, Russian Federation, SPIN: 5209-4577, E-mail: KirillovVV@mgpu.ru
Galina V. Kalabukhova – Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Department of Theory and Teaching History, Social Sciences and Low FAEI HE «Moscow City University», Moscow, Russian Federation, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1685-6930, E-mail: KalabukhovaGV@mgpu.ru
Olga G. Malysheva – Doctor of History, Professor of Department of National History FAEI HE «Moscow City University», Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail: malysheva_o56@mail.ru
Elena A. Tokareva – Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for academic work and education quality assurance of the Institute of Humanities FAEI HE «Moscow City University», Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail: tokarevae@mgpu.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis conducted in the 2019/20 academic year, sociological research aimed at the discussion of the role of the all-Russian contest “Teacher of year of Russia” in development of creative activity of teaching staff to support new technologies in the organization of educational process and growth of professional skill of pedagogical workers, approval of the priorities of education in society, in the professional community of Moscow. The survey is an integral part of government work on the topic: “Research on the impact of the Teacher of the year competition on the development of the educational system in Russia and training of professional staff”, carried out by the University staff on the state assignment of the Department of education and science of the city of Moscow. The study was attended by students and undergraduates of the Moscow City University and teachers of General education organizations in Moscow and the Moscow region. In the study, respondents expressed their opinion about various aspects of the preparation, conduct and results of the Russian contest “the Teacher of year of Russia” held in the Russian Federation since 1990, assessed the prospects of other professional contests for the formation of professional qualities of the teacher. The results of the research showed that both students and teachers of Moscow schools are focused on supporting professional pedagogical competitions and are ready to take part in them. Based on the results of the survey recommendations will be prepared on improving the organization and conduct of competitions of pedagogical skills in Moscow.
Keywords: professional competitions, all-Russian competition “Teacher of the year of Russia”, profiling of school preparation.
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For citation:
Kirillov V.V., Kalabukhova G.V., Malysheva O.G., Tokareva E.A. Competitions of professional skills in pedagogy: opinion of students of pedagogical universities and school teachers. CITISE, 2020, no. 2, pp. 445-470. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.2.40