E. Linkevich, L. Chuprina
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.2.14
Elena F. Linkevich – Doctor of economic sciences, Professor of the Chair of World Economy and Management, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation, SPIN-code: 7961-4549, E-mail: alins@list.ru
Lyudmila A. Chuprina – Student of the Chair of World Economy and Management, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation, E-mail: chupruna96@mail.ru
Abstract. The article analyzes the structure of trade and investment relations between Russia and India. This study is relevant in the modern world, it reveals the main provisions on the development of Russian-Indian trade cooperation, export-import relations between countries and investment activities. The perspective provisions of bilateral cooperation in the field of direct investment and restrictions on the part of India in this area are examined. The dynamics of the highest priority exported goods from Russia and India is presented, the structure of Russian-Indian trade turnover from 2015 to 2019 is analyzed. Russia and India are still developing a strategy for building friendly diplomatic relations. This is facilitated by cooperation in a number of areas related to trade and investment (industry, energy, pharmaceuticals, jewelry, information technology). Much attention is paid to stimulating investment in the automotive industry and the military-technical sector, where the best engineers of Russia and India cooperate to create supernova equipment. The most promising area of investment and trade cooperation between countries is, of course, the oil and gas production sector. Significant funds are directed from India as direct investment in the development of fields and oil and gas production in the Far East, which helps to strengthen bilateral foreign economic relations, which are aimed at strengthening not only trade and investment partnerships, but also cooperation in the global market.
Keywords: foreign trade, trade relations, investment cooperation, strategic partnership between Russia and India.
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For citation:
Linkevich E.F., Chuprina L.A. Prospects for the development of trade and economic relations of Russia and India. CITISE, 2020, no. 2, pp. 150-159. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.2.14