I. Adelmurzina, S. Litvinova, N. Nikolaeva, G. Sattarova, A. Salihova
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.2.19
Ilgiza F. Adelmurzina – Senior lecturer, Department of physical geography, cartography and geodesy, faculty of geography, Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail: adelmur@mail.ru
Svetlana A. Litvinova – Senior lecturer of the Department of tourism, geourbanistics and economic geography, faculty of geography, Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail: ivanovasva@mail.ru
Nadezhda V. Nikolaeva – Student of the faculty of geography, profile ” Physical geography», Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russian Federation. E-mail: 89191457993@mail.ru
Gulnara A. Sattarova – Candidate of geographical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of tourism, geourbanistics and economic geography, faculty of geography, Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail: satt-gu01@mail.ru
Aygül Z. Salihova – Student der geographischen Fakultät, Richtung” Kartographie und Geoinformatik» FGBOU VO “Baschkirische Staatliche Universität”, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail: Aigulsal@mail.ru
Abstract. The authors present a historiographical review of scientific and practical works devoted to the identification of regional features of nature management in the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is noted that when solving regional environmental and economic problems, it is necessary to study the phenomena and processes characteristic of the existing territorial system of nature management. A brief analysis of the natural resource potential of the studied territory and its influence on the formation of the regional economy structure is given. The role of studying historiographical works on nature management in the region in improving the quality of environmental education of young people is highlighted. The article presents a comparative analysis of the most significant works on the subject under consideration. The authors used the work of scientists from different fields of scientific activity: biologists, geologists, geographers, historians, economists, sociologists. It is concluded that all the works considered the issues of preserving the human environment and the ethno-cultural heritage of the Republic of Bashkortostan, raised topics on the identification and protection of objects of natural and natural-cultural heritage of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Keywords: historiography, nature management in the Republic of Bashkortostan, historical ecology, environmental education.
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For citation:
Adelmurzina I. F., Litvinova S. A., Nikolaeva N. V., Sattarova G. A., Salihova A.Z. Use of historiographical analysis of works on nature management in the study geography of the Republic of Bashkortostan. CITISE, 2020, no. 2, pp. 205-216. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.2.19