V. Uvarov
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2020.1.18
Valery I. Uvarov – Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail: v_uvarov@mail.ru
Abstract. The article attempts to consider current approaches to the organization of independent work of students, which is becoming more and more relevant in connection with the shift of priorities from full-time training formats to full-time and part-time. Emphasizing the importance of independent work of students, the author offers a number of ways that can increase the effectiveness of this format, and also calls the conditions for the successful teaching of a foreign language in a non-linguistic university.The changes that the author proposes to make in the traditional teaching of the language of the specialty are reduced to three aspects: rethinking the personality of the teacher and its functions; updating the formats of the organization of the educational process (both classroom and extracurricular); high-quality selection of content of educational material. Regarding the personality of the teacher, in addition to his professionalism, the importance of leadership qualities, the ability to motivate and interest, as well as competently build the educational process, taking into account the dominant role of independent work, is emphasized.A useful addition to the traditional teaching format that can bring classroom and extracurricular work of students to a whole new level, the author proposes the introduction of team building technology. Given the personality characteristics of modern generations of students, the author sees the possibility of expanded application of the technology of the game also contributing to the optimization of the educational activity of students and the quality of language acquisition. In conclusion, hope is expressed for an early “reconstruction” of the traditional teaching model, taking into account the approaches proposed by the author.
Keywords: independent work of students, motivation, effectiveness, team building, positive atmosphere, team, game technology.
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For citation:
Uvarov V.I. Independent work as a necessary resource for improving the quality of teaching a foreign languagein a non-language university. CITISE, 2020, no. 1, pp. 195-205. DOI: http://oi.org/1.15350/2409761.2020.1.18