ISSN 2409-7616

G. Medvedeva



Galina P. Medvedeva – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department Social Work, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. Modern conditions of human life and society require a specialist (regardless of the nature of the activity performed by him) high quality of activity and the final product, and therefore professionalism. The requirements imposed by the meaning and content of professional activity to the personal qualities of a specialist are justified by the need to ensure and maintain the proper content and quality of the process and the final result of the activity. However, a highly specialized approach to the formation of a specialist’s personality can no longer be considered sufficient. At present, more and more of a person is required to be not only a specialist, but also to be a person socially active, responsible, competent. The basis of any kind of professional activity is the need to implement certain values justified by the professional and ethical system. In the conditions of a crisis state of society the greatest influence on the person is rendered not by material difficulties, and loss of valuable reference points and moral disorientation. Assimilation and appropriation of the value meaning and content of the profession helps to understand the place and role of the profession in society, human life, social and scientific and technological progress and to some extent determines them. In the end, the requirements for professionally significant qualities of a specialist’s personality are determined by the needs of a person and society. As a result, the problem of forming the qualities of a specialist’s personality, his ethical and axiological orientations and attitudes, which perform the function of the most important regulator of the meaning, content and quality of professional activity and life in General, becomes increasingly important. These qualities of personality can be formed in the process of studying the ethics of professional activity. The process of professional training of a modern specialist must inevitably be a combination of two main components: educational and educational. The basis of the educational process in the course of professional training of a specialist can only be awareness and recognition of the value of a person. In the framework of professional training, considerable attention should be paid to the formation of the ethical and axiological component.

Keywords: social work, education, professional training, professional formation, personal development, value system of personality, ethical and axiological training.



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For citation:

Medvedeva G. P. Educational potential of social work ethics. CITISE, 2020, no. 1, pp. 69-80. DOI: