ISSN 2409-7616

N. Gorlova, L. Starovojtova



Natalya I. Gorlova – Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0833-2053, E-mail:

Larisa I. Starovojtova – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Social University, Moscow,Russian Federation, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8660-4101, E-mail:

Abstract. Volunteering is a great way to improve social skills of the person, to develop leadership and communicative skills, to find adherents, to enrich itself with new knowledge and experience. Article lights the international experience of development of the volunteer movement in the field of preservation of cultural monuments of the different countries, opens practice of formation of own volunteer community by the museums and development of social and pedagogical technologies in work with volunteers. Special attention in article is paid to training of volunteers of the museum, first of all youth which is directed not only to training in special knowledge and skills, but also to formation of motivation of volunteer assistants, to creation of the team aimed at the general result. Authors define social activity of the personality as ability of the person to show the activity which is expressed in personal self-determination and caused by ideas of the personality of itself and of the processes happening in society, and also to make socially significant transformations in the world which are shown in creativity and communication. The activity of the personality is formed in the conditions of social communications and contacts of the person with society. A source of activity of the personality are her requirements. Understanding of the importance of interaction of cultural institutions and the volunteer movement which is guided by formation of socially active, educated, moral personality, creations of an optimum situation for development and self-updating of the person capable to professional, intellectual and social creativity is given.

Keywords: volunteer movement, volunteers of the museum, social activity, volunteer programs of the museum, self-updating of the person, social and pedagogical technologies.



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For citation:

Gorlova N.I., Starovojtova L.I. Volunteer activity in cultural institutions as the way of formation of socially active personality (foreign experience). CITISE, 2020, no. 1, pp. 81-91. DOI: