ISSN 2409-7616

Y. Zubok, E. Chankova



Yuliya A. Zubok – Doctor of sociology, professor, Head of Center of youth sociology Institute of socio-political research, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russian Federation, ORCID:, E-mail:

Elena V. Chankova – Doctor of sociology, associate professor, Researcher Institute of socio-political research Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russian Federation, ORCID:, E-mail:

Abstract. This article presents the communicative competence of the individual in the context of virtualization of modern Russian society. The research methodology is described using the concepts of P. Bourdieu’s social space, A. Schütz’s social reality, M. Castells’ virtual reality, C. Shannon, W. Weaver, W. Schramm, C. Osgood’s models of social communications. This approach made it possible to develop the concept of communicative competence in a changing social reality, define communicative competence, formulate significant changes in the structure of communicative competence in virtual reality, and conduct empirical verification of theoretical positions and conclusions. Communicative competence of an individual, in modern conditions, in particular, in a virtual changing multi-position social space, being a place of concentration of challenges to an individual and society, can become a factor in stabilizing society and reducing its risk level by increasing the level of communicative competence of its actors. Improving the level of competence of actors in conditions when the able-bodied majority of Russians becomes involved in Internet communication, the majority of Russian organizations – seems possible through the educational system, its various levels: professional education, additional education, continuing education courses and professional retraining. The inclusion of the components of communicative competency demanded in virtual reality in the structure of educational models is considered as a resource for society to achieve integration. And the understanding by educational institutions of the sociocultural mechanisms of communicative competence in the virtual social space is a potential integration of modern Russian society. The results obtained allowed us to interpret communicative competence as a resource for stabilization and integration of modern Russian society, to outline ways to increase the communicative competence of Russians through the educational system. 

Keywords: social space, virtuality, changing social reality, communicative competence of the personality, selfregulation.



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For citation:

Zubok Y.A., Chankova E.V. Communicative competence of the personality in virtual space: the expirience of empirical researgh. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 449-460. DOI: