A. Yegorychev, Y. Shimanovskaya, A. Kretinin
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.5.49
Alexander M. Yegorychev – Doctor of Education, Professor departments of social pedagogy and youth work organization, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russian Federation, ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7497-4508, E-mail: chelovekcap@mail.ru
Yanina V. Shimanovskaya – Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor, Head Department of Social Work of the Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russian Federation, SPIN code: 6994-6579, E-mail: ya1873@yandex.ru
Alexander S. Kretinin – CEO, Chairman of the Board of RPO “Center for Innovative Technologies and Social Expertise”, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail: cit-sr@mail.ru
Abstract. The article discusses issues related to the need to develop the deontology of social pedagogy, as an important area that determines the proper behavior of specialists whose activities are related to the upbringing and socialization of the younger generation in Russia. First of all, the authors pay attention to world processes and trends that determine the development of states and peoples of the planet Earth. They are convinced that the processes and trends of the world community also affect the development of deontological ideas in the modern world and determine the system of social relations in society. Today, market relations are becoming more widespread and affirming in society, which leads to the formation of an appropriate system of individual and collective human behavior, characterized by selfish and private property orientation. In the end result, in society there is a final break in all ties with historical traditional meanings and values, the dominance of market culture begins to affirm everywhere. The authors come to the understanding that in their basic basis, personal-professional relations, a specialist in the social sphere (social educator, social worker, organizer of work with youth) should be based on the philosophy and ideology of their national culture. It is Russian culture that contains the meanings and values that should determine the development of the deontological culture of Russian society. Social pedagogy, social practice is the most effective direction, having tremendous pedagogical opportunities for harmonization of a person and the entire social space surrounding him. This circumstance actualizes the need to develop the deontology of social pedagogy, which should become a universal discipline that determines the personal and professional relations of all specialists in the social sphere that are relevant to the younger generation of Russia.
Keywords: deontology, personal-professional relations, specialist in the social sphere, social pedagogy, national culture.
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For citation:
Yegorychev A.M., Shimanovskaya Y.V., Kretinin A.S. Processes and trends determining development deontological ideas in the modern world. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 536-547. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.5.49