O. Titova
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.5.35
Olga A. Titova – Director of SEI lyceum No. 393 Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, Email: titovao@list.ru
Abstract. The article outlines the main theoretical approaches to determining success as an essential characteristic of the result and the process of the teacher. The specifics and ideas about the situation of success are analyzed. Success factors are revealed that ensure the effectiveness of the activities of a modern teacher. It also analyzes the emotional state of a person when performing activities – successfully / unsuccessfully. Success is always related to the achievement of a specific goal. From the point of view of one goal, the same action can be successful, from the point of view of another – unsuccessful, from the point of view of the third goal – the action can be characterized as neutral (indifferent). Success is understood as the achievement of the goal, the excess of their previous results and social norms. The author comes to the conclusion that for the successful work of the teacher in the educational institution, the presence of social sensitivity (social perception) is extremely important. All components of social sensitivity (sensitivity in observation; theoretical sensitivity; nomothetic sensitivity; idiographic sensitivity, etc.) are very important in the activities of a teacher in an educational institution when working with children, teachers and the family of pupils. They significantly affect the success of a teacher’s professional activities. The author is convinced that the success of a teacher’s professional activity is an experience of a state of joy, satisfaction from the fact that the result that a person aspired to in his professional activity, either coincided with his hopes, expectations (or, strictly speaking, with the level of claims), or surpassed them. On the basis of this condition, stable feelings of satisfaction can form, new, stronger motives of professional activity are formed, the level of self-esteem, self-esteem is changing. The author concludes: the success of a teacher’s professional activity can be defined as the optimal ratio between the expectations of others, a person and the results of her activities.
Keywords: success, success situation, success factors, level of claims, success of professional activity.
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For citation:
Titova O.A. To the question of success of professional activity of the teacher. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 387-395. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.019.5.35