ISSN 2409-7616

O. Sorokin



Oleg V. Sorokin – Senior researcher of the youth sociology center the Institution Russian Academy of Sciences the Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. The article discusses issues related to life-meaning values in the concept of sociocultural self-regulation of social interactions of youth. The relevance of the problem of studying the characteristics of the deviant behavior of Russian youth is due to: a change in the nature of the integration of young people in the structures of a transition society, on the one hand, and a change in the characteristics of the social reality of this socio-demographic group, on the other. It is noted that culture in the mechanism of regulation of social interactions is responsible for the development of common criteria and standards of behavior. Freedom and justice were considered as the basic values of life. The traditional meanings underlying these values, acting in the form of moral super-goals reproduced in Russian national culture, are substantiated. Social justice as a life-value is significant for very different groups of young people. On the one hand, its most educated part, and on the other hand, living in the most depressed areas, which are small territorial entities. For educated youth, this reflects reflection – critical thinking, and for residents of small towns, villages and villages – dissatisfaction with their social status and lack of social prospects. In self-regulation by young people of the meaning of life values of freedom and justice, an important place is given to creating social conditions for their implementation, lowering social barriers perceived as manifestation of unfreedom and injustice and strengthening the atmosphere of trust in society. Based on the data of a representative sociological study, the degree of significance of the values of freedom and justice for different groups of youth is shown and a conclusion is drawn on how to strengthen them.

Keywords: youth, life values, culture, self-regulation, freedom, justice.



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For citation:

Sorokin O.V.  Senseful values in the concept of social and cultural
self-regulation of social interactions of youth. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 461-470. DOI: