M. Shalashova, N. Shevchenko
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.5.36
Marina M. Shalashova – Doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Moscow City Teachers’ Training University, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail: marinashalashova@yandex.ru
Natalya I. Shevchenko – Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Moscow City Teachers’ Training University, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail: nishevch@mail.ru
Abstract. This article discusses the General characteristics of pedagogical design, providing an actual update of the content of the educational process in modern conditions of restructuring of higher education. The breadth of application of pedagogical design in the solution of narrowly special and General questions is noted. Pedagogical design is considered from the position of a systematic approach to the design of the educational process, in which the content, methodology and conditions of the organization are subordinated to a single goal. The reasons of transition to use of models of pedagogical design in the conditions of refusal of traditional forms, methods of educational activity in education as inefficient conditions of new purposes and challenges are designated. The features and advantages of the SAM model for creating corporate educational courses are considered. This model creates optimal conditions for determining and formulating the goal, assessing the degree of its achievement at different stages of designing the program of a particular course. The authors believe that this SAM model is applicable for the development of corporate programs, large-scale projects, educational events, including in the system of additional education. The model includes ways of working with information, which is very valuable when used in the educational process. This way of working with a large amount of information is based on the principle of “approximation.” So in the educational practice of higher education, a method of successive approximation appeared. It involves the use by the teacher of a set of tasks (from simple to subsequent complication), which gradually lead students to apply the acquired knowledge in a new situation. The pedagogical potential of this method consists in the development of critical, logical thinking in students.
Keywords: pedagogical design, pedagogical design, pedagogy, model, programs.
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For citation:
Shalashova M.M., Shevchenko N.I. Pedagogical design: essential characteristicsin the higher education system. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 396-404. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.019.5.36