ISSN 2409-7616

E. Plashchevaya, O. Ivanchuk



Elena V. Plashchevaya – Cand. Sc. Education, Associate professor of a medical physics department of Amur State Medical Academy, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation, ORCID:, E-mail:

Olga V. Ivanchuk – Doctor of Education, assistant professor, Head of chair of physics, mathematics and medical informatics Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, Russian Federation, ORCID:, E-mail:

Abstract. It is known that the content of the studied disciplines including physics isn’t regulated by federal state standards of higher medical education. Having generalized the experience of pedagogical science and teaching training in developing the content of academic disciplines, the authors of the given article came to a conclusion that the problem of forming the content of physics course in a medical university remains unsolved: there is no unity of opinion among the teaching staff on the subject presentation of teaching material, on the depth of studying physics by future doctors. It is separately noted that the content of physics course in medical universities is as a rule the same for different majors. The revealed problems are solved by the authors of the article in the framework of implementing the principle of fundamentality of education and the professional orientation principle, competence and activity approaches. Thus, the combination of these didactic principles ensures the interconnection of the fundamental and professional component of training, and the implementation of the selected approaches will allow taking into account the specifics of future professional activity. Applying this theoretical basis, a mechanism (technique) was developed for the formation of the content of educational material in the form of a system of actions, guided by which the content of physics course for students of medical universities can be identified taking into account their future professional activity. The given mechanism was used to develop the content of physics course for future dentists and was tested in a number of Russian medical universities, receiving a positive evaluation from the teaching staff faculty of specialized departments. To confirm the objectivity of the evaluation, the authors of the study used the method of expert assessments, the results of which proved the effectiveness of the proposed system of actions for developing the content of physics course in a medical university.

Keywords: teaching physics to future doctors, the content of physics course in a medical university.



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For citation:
Plashchevaya E. V. , Ivanchuk O.V.  Theoretical principles of developing a physics course in a medical university. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 354-362. DOI: