N. Gorlova, L. Starovojtova
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.5.22
Natalya I. Gorlova – Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0833-2053, E-mail: gorlovanat@yandex.ru
Larisa I. Starovojtova – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of th Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russian Federation, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8660-4101, E-mail: starovojtova@list.ru
Abstract. One of current problems of modern education is development and education of spiritually moral identity of the citizen of Russia. It is reflected in the national doctrine of formation of the Russian Federation where overcoming spiritual crisis is called one of strategic objectives. In article the problem of development of cultural and educational activity in domestic education is analyzed, the role of the state, the public, pedagogical and library community in achievement of the specified purpose comes to light. Today there is a need of the appeal to history of cultural and educational activity for education as the system which made an invaluable contribution to preservation and dissemination of culture. Now the number of the projects directed to effective use and promoting of objects of cultural heritage as parts of educational work grows. When forming modern channels of promoting of knowledge, such as television, Internet network, traditional methods where the main place belongs to libraries remain. Libraries are unique platforms for any type of creative activity, development of talents, realization of initiatives, the help and support of various actions and actions today. Activity of modern libraries is implemented in the conditions of individualization of requirements, innovatics and risk. One of such successful innovative projects is involvement of volunteers. The analysis of volunteering in cultural institutions (library) in the Russian Federation and abroad, executed in the submitted article, allows to draw conclusions on prospects of this direction of volunteer practice where libraries act as social institute of preservation of cultural heritage, welfare education of youth and promoting of scientific knowledge.
Keywords: welfare education, promoting of knowledge, the personality, cultural and historical knowledge, cultural heritage, volunteering, libraries, innovatics, volunteering in cultural institutions (library).
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For citation:
Gorlova N.I., Starovojtova L.I. Volunteering in cultural institutions (library) as a factor of welfare education of youth. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 242-251. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.019.5.22