ISSN 2409-7616

S. Geybuka, Y. Kovshova



Svetlana V. Geybuka – Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Algebra and Mathematical Analysis The Novosibirsk state pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, RSCI SPIN-code: 6520-5386, E-mail:

Yuliya N. Kovshova – Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor оf the Department of Geometry and methods of teaching mathematics The Novosibirsk state pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, RSCI SPIN-code: 4235-6750, E-mail:

Abstract. In the modern world, the informatization of society is progressing at an .accelerated pace. It is an important part of the process of education. To implement the learning function, a modern teacher must have ICT competence, and for developmental activities, he must master and be able to apply the psychological and pedagogical technologies (such as inclusion in education) necessary for targeted work with various students, in particular, gifted children. The paper lists the contradictions that lead to the need to solve the problem of forming appropriate competencies in students of mathematical profiles, the research problem is formulated, that is, the problem of the qualitative preparation of a future mathematics teacher for working with gifted children, taking into account education informatization. The purpose of this research is to highlight the urgent problems of preparing math students of pedagogical universities to work with mathematically gifted children on the basis of theoretical and methodological foundations, empirical data, as well as suggesting options for solving the identified problems. In carrying out this study, both theoretical (analysis, design, modeling) and empirical (observation, experiment) methods were used. The scientific novelty of the research presented in the article lies in the statement of the problem, the determination of urgent problems in the direction being studied, and also in the development of a plan for solving these problems. The authors set forth their approaches to solving the research problem, list the participation in which types of activities, from the point of view of the authors, allow for better preparation of future mathematics teachers for working with gifted children, describe the results and outline the prospects for further research.

Keywords: intellectual giftedness, mathematically gifted children, student of the pedagogical university, informatization of education, information and communication technologies, mathematics.



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For citation:

Geybuka S.V., Kovshova Y.N.  Student trainingin work with mathematically gifted children in conditions of informatization ofeducation. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 418-427. DOI: